Prophi 7 reactive power controller

Areas of application

  • Automatically controlled power factor correction
  • Choked power factor correction
  • Harmonic filter
  • Tension stabilization by means of dynamic BLK
  • Mixed operation (hybrid circuit) contactor and thyristor switch

Hybrid circuit

The Prophi® reactive power controller works with a so-called hybrid circuit. This is a combination of conventional capacitor contactors and dynamic thyristor modules for contactless fast switching of capacitors. It combines the advantages of fast, mains feedback-free switching with the cost benefits of conventional PFC systems.

Dynamic power factor correction

Dynamic power factor correction systems are used in particular in applications with fast and high load changes. In such cases, conventional PFC systems are not fast enough to follow the load changes, i.e. such systems are either under- or overcompensated.


Harmonics are caused by equipment with non-linear characteristics, such as transformers operated in saturation, energy-saving lamps, frequency converters and power electronics. They burden the grid with additional currents and can affect or even destroy equipment. These grid perturbations can be detected and documented using power quality analyzers.

Intelligent reactive power control

The Prophi® reactive power controller has a patented control behavior in order to operate each capacitor stage with the same number of switching cycles and the same operating times as far as possible. This significantly extends the service life of the entire system.