enline EMS-153

enline EMS-153 offers the possibility to control up to 196 consumers statically and up to 20 charging stations dynamically. In addition, the enline controller is able to manage 100 independent tariff circuits and 10 control circuits. Additional interfaces such as M-Bus, Modbus RTU or Modbus TCP enable the integration of a large number of other devices. This system is mainly used in large systems in which many consumer groups are controlled.

Dynamic control for up to 20 e-charging stations from different manufacturers.
Control up to 196 consumers via decentralized I/O modules.
Record up to 40 energy meters via Modbus RTU.
Recording of up to 100 Modbus TCP counters.

Dynamic load management

The enline SMART-586 system is suitable for the dynamic control of e-charging stations. This means that the charging current is continuously adjusted to the available power. Optimize up to 20 charging stations with just one controller and distribute the available charging current to the active charging stations depending on the workload of your business!

enline Cloud

Monitor your systems from wherever you want! enline Cloud offers secure data storage as well as convenient data analysis and increases the operational reliability of your system thanks to the active cloud watchdog.

Consideration of the electricity price

Connect and link different producers and consumers with each other and control them according to any criteria. If the energy price is low, you consume your self-generated or stored energy yourself; if the energy price is high, enline will supply your energy to the power grid and thus optimize your profit. This makes it possible to implement electricity price-dependent, highly efficient self-consumption optimization.



Peak load management

Senken Sie Ihre Netzkosten durch Optimierung Ihrer Leistung.

E-charging stations

Dynamische Regelung Ihrer EV-Ladestationen für Lastenausgleich, Leistungsoptimierung, Zeitsteuerung.


Monitoring, Verwaltung, Überschussregelung und Eigenverbrauchsoptimierung Ihrer selbst erzeugten Energie.

Intelligent control

Steuern Sie Ihre Verbraucher nach Zeit, Datum, Temperatur, Szenen, Prozessen, …

Electric boiler

Dynamische Ansteuerung Ihrer E-Heizpatronen.

Heat pumps

Steuern Sie Ihre Wärmepumpe nach Effizienz und Wirkungsgrad.

Storage systems

Leiten Sie Überschüsse nach Bedarf in Batteriesysteme, Wärmespeicher, oder Verbraucher um.

Emergency power operation

Geben Sie im Notbetrieb nur systemrelevante Verbraucher frei um Ihren Notstromgenerator vor Überlast zu schützen.

Combined heat and power plant

Dynamische Ansteuerung von BHKWs nach Wärme- & Energiebedarf.

Monitoring & visualization

Protokollierung und Visualisierung Ihres Leistungsbedarfs und Energieverbrauches.

Consumption monitoring

Überwachung des Energieverbrauchs auf Überschreitung der vorgesehenen Energiemenge.

Public Display

Individuelle Gestaltung der embedded Website zur Darstellung auf Public Displays.


enline supports the simultaneous control of e-charging stations from different manufacturers. This means that tenants and owners can use the charging station of their choice and still be monitored by a higher-level load management system and regulated if necessary. This protects your electricity infrastructure from overloading and at the same time gives you maximum freedom when choosing your charging station.